Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan
Rania Hamed received her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from the University of Iowa in 2011. During her PhD, she worked under the supervision of Prof. Jennifer Fiegel. Dr. Hamed’s research was focused on the development of a more physiologically–relevant in vitro model that mimic native, non-diseased tracheal mucus to enable studying the surface properties of mucus and bioaerosol formation in the trachea. After her graduation, she joined the Faculty of Pharmacy at Al–Zaytoonah University of Jordan as an assistant professor. There, she embarked on her research career in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery. Her research focuses on developing controlled–release matrix tablets using hydrophilic/hydrophobic polymers, nanoemulsion–loaded hydrogels, oleogels and bigels for topical delivery, and determining the key parameters of the dissolution media that control the rate of dissolution of the poorly-soluble drugs to better predict their in vivo performance. She published 53 manuscripts in peer–reviewed journals and has 38 posters and/or oral talks in scientific meetings. In October 2021, Prof. Hamed has got promoted to Professor. Dr. Hamed received the post-doctoral Fulbright scholarship for the academic year 2019/2020. Prof. Hamed is currently working with Prof. Mansour Khan in the College of Pharmacy-Texas A & M University. Recently, Prof. Hamed has been focused on the fabrication of dissolving microneedles and green synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles loaded into gels.