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Full Schedule

  • Cancelled
  • Prologue: "Grades" of Ancillary, Raw and Starting Materials and Excipients

    Prologue Speaker: Allison Elizabeth Radwick, Ph.D. – USP

  • Prologue: A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Framework to Develop Predictive Endogenous Biomarkers

    Prologue Speaker: Sibylle Neuhoff, PhD – Certara

  • Prologue: Advancing Analytical Capabilities to Enable Cross Modality Pharmaceutical and Vaccine Innovations

    Prologue Speaker: Wei Xu, Ph.D. – Merck & Co., Inc.

  • Prologue: Alternative Methods to Animal Studies: Artificial Tissue to Artificial Intelligence

    Prologue Speaker: Ketan D. Patel, PhD – St. John's University

  • Prologue: An End-to-End Biomarker Strategy to Accelerate Drug Development: Current Landscape and Future Prospects

    Prologue Speaker: Kelly Fader

  • Prologue: Biomarker and Omics Approaches

    Prologue Speaker: Robert Dodge, PhD – Novartis

  • Prologue: Biomarker Assays Are Not PK Assays: Prologue on Biomarker Assays

    Prologue Speaker: Lauren Stevenson, PhD – Immunologix Laboratories

  • Prologue: Breaking Barriers for bRo5 Molecules: Formulation Strategies for Next-Generation Therapeutics

    Prologue Speaker: Ketan D. Patel, PhD – St. John's University

  • Prologue: Brevican-Targeting Peptide for Therapeutic Delivery to Glioblastoma: Tools for Drug Discovery

    Prologue Speaker: Choi-Fong Cho, PhD – Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School

  • Prologue: Current Status of Transporter-Mediated Drug Delivery

    Prologue Speaker: Elena Puris, PhD – Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology/Heidelberg University

  • Prologue: Current Trends and Research Opportunities for Collaboration in Pediatric Formulation Development

    Prologue Speaker: Stephen W. Hoag, Ph.D., FAAPS – University of Maryland, Baltimore

  • Prologue: Drug Delivery Alternatives to Injectables For Systemic Availability

    Prologue Speaker: Jaap Wieling, Ph.D. – PureIMS BV

  • Prologue: Embracing Innovation: Harnessing Emerging Technologies for Enhanced Pharmaceutical Quality
  • Prologue: Emerging Applications of Data Driven and Hybrid Modelling in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • Prologue: Emerging Trends in Continuous Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals
  • Prologue: Excipients: It's Complicated
  • Prologue: From Modality-Specific to Boundaryless Analytics – Delivering the Pipeline of Tomorrow
  • Prologue: Health Disparities Research: How Basic Science can Inform Clinical Practice
  • Prologue: Immunogenicity and Regulatory Considerations
  • Prologue: LC-MS Approaches and Advances
  • Prologue: Modelling and Predictive Design in Pharmaceutical Development
  • Prologue: Patient Centric Sampling: Tips and Tricks for Bioanalysis
  • Prologue: Preformulation and Biopharmaceutical Support for Drug Delivery
  • Prologue: Role of Biomarkers in Rare Disease Drug Development and Regulatory Approval
  • Prologue: The CGT Landscape
  • Prologue: Use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Regulatory Submissions